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Street School Curriculum

2 Bytes hinzugefügt, 14:07, 15. Jul. 2019
Curriculum Herbst 2019
===Curriculum Herbst 2019===
Im Sommer wurden alle Klimastreikbewegungen in Europa von Mind Works (Verhaltenswissenschaftler*innen für Greenpeace International) angefragt, ob sie Interesse hätten, gemeinsam Student Strikes Street Classes zu erarbeiten. Mit der Idee, 10 Street class sessions auszuarbeiten und in der Öffentlichkeit abzuhalten, um die politische Debatte zu beeinflussen und eine alternative zum gesellschaftlichen Klimawendeldiskurs aufzubauen, die praktisch orientiert ist und der Krisensituation gerecht wird.:
"What will the curriculum cover? What to expect, how to prevent and how to prepare for the climate crisis. Starting from imagining the different values, relationships and lifestyles that form the basis for resilience and sustainability, the curriculum will aim to create learning experiences that start the journey into both the hard practical skills (handling extreme weather, repair, gardening and food conservation, etc) and the soft human skills so that outer transformation can be led from a place of inner transformation.
It will offer practical methods and tools to build the capacity to listen, to create conditions for generative dialogue and true innovation that integrates all voices and act from a sense of awareness of self and the whole. The overall aim is to support the students of these classes to develop psychological and social courage, resilience, community building skills, organising and leadership. We therefore invite them into a process in which we will ask questions, learn and co-create solutions together."
Bürokraten, interface-admin, Administratoren
